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Radio Detection

Electromagnetic field or (EMF) utility locating is designed to pick up the location of conductive pipes and cables that have been run underground, as the receiver scans for these materials. The EMF can tackle a variety of different ground conditions, making it a breeze to trace lines and quickly locate underground services. Following the method of locating the pipe or cable a simple indication of its location is applied to the ground using marking paint with an approximate depth.

A GPR scanner getting prepped for use in Sydney


Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that reflects signals from subsurface structures. It works by pulsing electromagnetic energy into the subsurface of the soil, rock, concrete or another medium. The GPR then receives the electromagnetic signals reflected back into the transmitter from bouncing off the materials and services below the ground to identify their approximate location and depth

In the right conditions GPR can be used to detect non-conductive cables/pipes such as nylon gas mains, fibre optic cables, storm water lines, Underground Tanks and it is also able to detect changes in material properties, and voids.


Concrete Scanning

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), in which electro-magnetic pulses are used to provide an image of what lies within. We use Ultra High Frequency scanners that transmit radio waves at either 1.6Ghz or 2.6Ghz to allow us to deliver the highest resolution imaging up to 500mm. Our state of the art scanners process the reflections that bounce back from within the structure being scanned and based on these reflections allow us to pinpoint reinforcement, services, boundaries between materials, defects and cracks and provide you with a window into the interior of the structure being scanned.


CCTV Inspection

CCTV is a well-established technology for pipe inspections and it comes with many benefits. It’s proven to be particularly effective in assessing pipeline conditions in sewer and storm drain systems around the country, many of which are old and need their structural integrity evaluated so that rehabilitation work can be planned and prioritised.


Non-Destructive Digging

Vacuum Excavation (also referred to as Non Destructive Digging or Hydro Excavation) techniques are widely accepted as the safest way to expose or excavate around underground services, such as electrical and communication cables, water, gas, storm water and sewerage pipe work.

non-destructive method of digging (NDD) ensures minimal risk of damage to buried assets, compared to mechanical excavators which can easily damage existing underground services. NDD provides a risk free means of safely exposing underground cables and pipes which often run in different directions at various depths.



Delivering quality results to the Sydney region, with the latest and up to date technology. Site Scan Pty Ltd takes pride in their projects, no matter the size. Striving to achieve total customer satisfaction. Using certified and experienced locators for all your underground scanning needs.



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